Buying petroleum type C at Gabriëls-Power
Gabriëls-Power only offers petroleum type C.
Type C has a much higher flash point than the other two types, types A and B. Your petroleum ignites much less quickly, making heating much safer and more environmentally friendly.
Petroleum has 2 different uses. You can read what petroleum can be used for below.
Combustion agent
You can use petroleum type C as a combustion agent for your petroleum stoves and cooking fires. The fuel provides clean combustion, with almost no harmful emissions. Especially for rooms that are not equipped with central heating as standard, petroleum is a cheap, energy-efficient alternative. This way you can easily and quickly heat your garage, attic, shed or workshop.
You can also buy petroleum as an additive to heating oil (gas oil heating). By adding (blending) petroleum to your fuel oil (gas oil heating), you prevent your above-ground tank or pipes from freezing. Petroleum also provides clean combustion in heating oil stoves. You can buy petroleum online using the contact form. Gabriëls-Power delivers your order to your home, your company or petrol station.